trailer for my thesis film at usc animation 2024


Wait for Me, New York!

2 friends talk over the phone about the dullness of the suburbs and dreams about meeting the New York rats.

Visual Development Packet: Goldie and the Midnight Feast - WORK IN PROGRESS

"Goldilocks and the 3 Bears" redesigned as a horror concept.

Comic about memory loss related to mental illness in the form of an IKEA assembly manual. 2023.

Comic about depression and genetics. 2022.
CW: depression, disordered eating

counting goldfish: my thesis film!

when i took a trip to japan in the winter of 2022, i happened to stumble upon an exhibition showcasing objects and the history of a local 祭り (matsuri, or festival). i was instantly hooked, bought a photobook of various matsuris in different regions, and i knew i had to make something out of this.scans of a few of my favorite pages out of the book.

over the course of one semester, i settled on a simple premise: a restless and sleepless night takes a turn when the girl is taken away to a matsuri, unclear if its reality or a dream. after a full night of festivities, she falls asleep soundly.i wanted my focus to be on design and the sensory experience.early early explorations:

it's interesting to see how i was drawn to collage aesthetics from the very beginning.

luminosity that comes with working digitally is something i want to explore both traditionally and digitally. i want to come up with a pipeline that allows me the best of both worlds!

1/23: gearing up

composited shot!

raw, uncomposited footage.

10/10: starting production

first completed test shot! animated the fish and background in clay under a downshooter, animated the character digitally, and composited in after effects.

behind the scenes.

9/12: experiments

with thesis being probably the last opportunity to work on a project entirely driven by my own desires, i really wanted to make sure i had fun.this thought process led me deeper into what i really, really, loved. in the last few weeks, i've really come to embrace my love for texture. not only do i want my art to appeal visually, but also have a tactile experience. from there, i decided that i wanted to incorporate physical material into my film.experimenting with different materials.

i'm taking the next month or so to really experiment and discover my final look and develop a streamlined process.water texture test via clay, wrapping paper, and watercolor.

9/5: building the production

working with my producer last spring to develop my pitch for this thesis showed me the importance of proper scheduling and the wonders of having someone telling me what to do. in fact, i loved good production so much so that i have TWO producers now. thanks jaqi and izzy!this week, i built out a shot list and schedule.

we broke the entire film down into sequences based on location, then broke each sequence down into individual shots. then i broke down the shots into each asset that needed to be made- which is especially important since i want to make some assets with physical material.then, we made a schedule according to class deadlines. trying to work ahead.

i think it's a creative's bad habit to feel that planning and scheduling is creatively stifling or stressful, but i've found that the more planning that's done in the beginning, the less brain space that's taken up later down the line worrying about deadlines and administrative tasks.






9/12: 実験



9/5: プロダクション






resume here!
FUTO WADA (they/them) is a visual development and stop motion artist specializing in color and design.
they recently graduated from the university of southern california, studying animation at the school of cinematic arts.
they're very drawn to vibrant color and visual tactility inspired by their deep love of clay animation and children's books.they can also be found changing their hair color every few weeks.

2024  南カリフォルニア大学映画芸術学部アニメーション専攻  卒業